To search this blog, please see the categories and search feature in the footer of any page or in the sidebar to the right. This blog does not contain everything I’ve made. More can be found at my Aria Couture Facebook page. As time allows, I will move some things from my defunct website here, as well as move creations from my Facebook page here. I encourage you to follow both this website as well as my page!
If you’re here for my Beauty and the Beast costume studies:
To my surprise, tens of thousands of people are, and to make it easier, I’m going to post those here.
Emma’s (“Belle’s) yellow gown from Beauty and the Beast: A Costume Study
Beast’s Ball Ensemble: Costume Study
Provincial Belle: A Costume Study
Gaston: A Costume Study
Pre-movie costuming thoughts about Beauty and the Beast
Post-Beauty and the Beast costuming thoughts